삼성전자와 탕정트라펠리스가 성곽처럼 세워지고 있는 신도시 개발의 노른자에 논이 있는 이 할아버지는 그저 농사를 지으러 간다.
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Lee (Korean name)
Lee is the common English spelling of (pronounced ), a common Korean family name. 이 () is the second most common (after Kim) in Korea, 이 (異) and 이 (伊) being relatively rare. The name is sometimes also transliterated as Yi, Ri, Rhie, or Rhee. The pronunciation of 李 as 리 is still common in North Korea.
n. person, tooth, teeth, cog, broken edges, louse, profit, interest, Korean measurement of distance, village, knot, mile, reason, principle, dent, toothing, crumb, chopper, two
Korean-English Dictionary
[釐] (1) ri, one tenth of a jun
(2) ri, one tenth of a boon
(3) ri, one tenth of a boon[二,貳] two; the second[利] (1) profit; gain(s)
(2) benefit; good; interests; an advantage
(3) interest[里] (1) ri, a Korean measurement of distance (0.244 miles, 400 meters)
(2) ri, the smallest administrative unit; village; township1 a person; a man; one2 (1) a tooth (pl. teeth); a fang
(2) the teeth (of a saw, a gear); a cog
(3) broken [jagged] edges (of a cup, a vase)3 a louse (pl. lice); vermin4 this (pl. these); present; current5 a mile[浬] a nautical [sea] mile; a knot[理] (1) reason; truth; justice
(2) a principle